Should You Skip a Pharmacy Residency?

I wanted to share an important lesson I learned that was critical to my own success through pharmacy school and, particularly, during the unsettling process of applying for a residency. Thoughtfully written by Alex Barker, founder of the Happy PharmD, on tl;dr pharmacy, the article discusses the age old question of “Should I do a residency?”

For myself, not matching for a residency was a tough pill to swallow. My initial reactions kicked in and I became discouraged with how I viewed the situation, as there was a brief moment of uncertainty in my future roadmap. To exacerbate my emotions, all of my classmates had exciting news to share and with their success, I felt like I was getting left behind.

But, I soon realized that, when one door closes, MANY other doors open and were actually open all along. This article helps put in perspective what my end goals are and how to persevere forward. Ultimately, there are many paths within pharmacy.


In between the struggle of weekly exams during pharmacy school, another pharmacy student has probably asked you, “Are you going to do a residency?”

You probably are too tired from exam fatigue to even think about your career prospects. Surviving a pharmacy exam is enough of a challenge.

You probably have been told that if you want to do anything worthwhile with your degree, you need to have a residency under your career belt. You also may have been told that it’s the only way—or the best way—to get the kind of job that you want.

Continue reading the full article here: Should You Skip a Pharmacy Residency?

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